The Artist Pencil care and use

Using and looking after your Artist Pencil

The Artist Pencil is a precision made instrument. With a little care in its treatment, it will stand you in good stead for many years to come. If any of the care and adjustment seems too much for you, then you may be happier with something more traditional, but from experience, I think the rewards in use are well worth the effort.

The following are some tips for using and looking after your own Artist Pencil.
The Artist Pencil is a simple device. That's the inherent beauty of it.

To release the lead, all you need do is lightly twist the collet and draw it and the lead out of the body.

Adjust the length of lead exposed, then push it gently back into the body to 'nip it up'. It really doesn't require much force, so please don't feel the need to ram it in, after all, you are creating art with a light touch, not chiselling granite!

A good tip for travelling would be to adjust the lead so that it is retracted back into the body, with the tip protected by the collet face. Simple but effective.
There are many tip styles that can be manually sanded into the lead point. To be honest, this is going to be down to the individual as to their favourite tip shape.

I tend to start off with a 'long grind' produced on my electric pencil sharpener. Next would be a medium grind shape often produced by 'point makers' for 5.6mm leads, readily available on the Web.

Hand sharpening on sand paper is the most accessible method and with practice, is easy to create the point you need. You can 'facet' the tip easily, as this just requires flat sanding rather than wrist rotation, so could be an option for some. My suggestion would be to experiment and become an expert 'pointer'.
The Body of the Artist Pencil:
If the AP gets grubby over time, it can be cleaned with a bit of furniture polish, then waxed with a bit of beeswax based polish. Carnauba wax is also useful as it creates a fairly resistant surface. Art in the field can get messy, especially if you like to blend graphite with your fingers. Just don't worry about it.

Never put any part of the Artist Pencil in water!

The Collet: This should be left in its natural state. The wood is left raw as this gives the most consistent grip/release of the lead and collet assembly.
The Artist Pencil is not a toy. The collet consists of two small pieces that are not suitable for small children. Never leave your Artist Pencil where it can fall into the hands of children without supervision. This goes for any pen or pencil. They can be sharp, have ink or lead and have small parts. Kids put things in their mouths. Best to keep stuff like this out of harms way.

Don't put the Artist Pencil in your mouth. Some wood can be toxic if ingested. This goes for kids and adults alike.

Just remember, a little common sense goes a long way.

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