There is no finer material to work with than wood. Having been a practising Industrial Designer my whole career, the approach to creating in wood is always design lead.…… More…
There is a distinct feeling of antiquity when working with leather. Throughout history this medium has been ever present, from utility to art, leather has been a part of human culture…..More…
Anything we create with an output that is 2D falls into this category. We often use photography to capture the world that inspires us. From here, we create art using the tools to hand. Pastels are favourite, Oil and Watercolour just as likely….More…
Cumbria never fails to inspire creative thought. Capturing the feel of the landscape and the people, flora and fauna that populate it is an ever changing canvas. In fact, there are many ways in which we can express the beauty and sometimes humour of the characters that call the Lakes, home.….More…